
Where To Upload Resume In Swe Website

In 2022, making a resume is easy — all you need is an internet connexion and a Google account.

Below we list v Google Docs resume templates, as well equally 12 additional resume templates for Google Docs. Nosotros likewise outline how to access these templates from within Google Docs, and provide links nether the image of each template for you to copy them to your Google Drive for free.

5 original Google Docs resume templates

Here are Google'southward v resume template offerings:

1. Swiss Google Docs resume template

The Swiss Google Docs resume template uses a skills-first resume format. You lot can expand the skills section so that information technology'south the largest section on your resume (a structure usually referred to as a functional format).

Listing your skills prominently on your resume highlights your relevant industry-related knowledge — making information technology platonic for candidates who are writing a resume for a career change.

2. Serif Google Docs resume template

If yous speak more one language, the Serif Google Docs resume template provides y'all with a stand up-alone languages section, making it an platonic template for showcasing your strange language skills.

This sample can also hands serve as an effective Google Docs CV template. Because an academic curriculum vitae focuses on your educational background instead of your work history, you lot tin switch the sections on this template to highlight your educational background start.

three. Coral Google Docs resume template

Coral Google Docs resume sample
Instantly brand a copy of this template and get started.

Featuring a casual greeting at the meridian and bright orangish headers throughout, the Coral Google resume template adds playful web design accents to your application.

In that location's even space for a contour picture if y'all're set on including a resume photo (although we recommend you don't unless you're writing a model resume or an acting resume).

Use this template if the job posting is from a startup, or the company seems to accept a more casual company civilization.

4. Spearmint Google Docs resume template

Spearmint Google Docs Resume Template
Make a copy of the Spearmint template and start writing your resume.

The Spearmint resume template is formatted to highlight your professional resume skills.

This Google Docs resume template is an excellent choice for loftier school or college students sending out multiple job applications.

With its strong resume header, neatly organized resume sections, and pleasant colour scheme, the Spearmint template's aesthetic can help you in your task hunt if your work feel is lacking.

5. Mod Author Google Docs resume template

With its mix of fonts and splashes of brilliant color, the Modernistic Writer resume template for Google Docs is both creative and technical.

This template is platonic if you lot work in product blueprint or tech, and want to give your application a distinctive appearance while highlighting your technical skills.

How to make a resume on Google Docs

  1. Log into your Google account, unless you lot're already logged in.
  2. Blazon into your browser's address bar to create a new document.
  3. Go to "File" → "New" → "From template" to bring up the full list of Google Docs templates.
  4. The full listing of the bachelor templates in your Google Drive will appear. Roll down, and you lot'll see the Google resume templates.


  • If your Google account is linked to a company or educational institution, you may have to click the "Full general" tab earlier you can see each Google Docs resume template.
  • If yous don't encounter the "Resumes" category, check your brandish language is set up to English language. This can be done under "Language" in your Google Drive settings.
  • Finally, be aware that Google Docs isn't a resume architect. You still need to type out your resume's information once you've opened your template. However, in that location are plenty of quality resume builders online if you lot'd like to save fourth dimension writing your own.

12 custom resume templates compatible with Google Docs

Many more than resume templates are compatible with Google Docs. We've gathered some of the best.

As with Google Docs resume templates, each of the following templates is formatted to get past applicant tracking systems (ATS), software that filters applications for hiring managers.

Just click the link under each one to instantly copy them into your own Google Bulldoze. Meliorate nevertheless, well-nigh all of these options include matching custom-made encompass letter of the alphabet templates as well.

half-dozen. Canvas resume template

An example of the Canvas resume template for Google Docs
Like this template? Create a copy of this resume in Google Docs.

The groovy borders of the Canvas template aid cleanly divide each department of your resume. This separation makes the template easy for employers to read. Additionally, the soft regal used in the headers gives this template a friendly (but notwithstanding professional person) appearance.

The Canvas template is a peachy choice if you're applying for a job in an office environment that isn't too buttoned-up, like those in advertising or marketing.

7. Cascade resume template

The "Cascade" resume template for Google Docs
Want to apply this template? Create a copy and start editing it.

Featuring bright blue headers and unique icons for your contact data and skills, the Pour template for Google Docs is designed to assistance your resume stand out.

The Cascade's boxy design and centre-catching skills department help draw attention to your professional expertise. This structure makes it the ideal template if y'all're applying or jobs in tech or engineering.

Match the Cascade resume template with its matching cover letter template for a polished application.

8. Geometric resume template

The "Geometric" Google Docs resume template
Brand a copy of this template and outset writing your resume.

With its blocky pixelated graphics and simple font selection, the Geometric Google Docs resume template has a singled-out technical look. The template's style elements make it ideal for job seekers applying for a tech or coding position.

Additionally, the Geometric resume template features a matching embrace letter template.

9. Online resume template

An example of the "Online" resume template in Google Docs
Re-create this template to begin filling out your resume.

Crisp and simple, the Online template makes creating an bonny resume piece of cake. The mint font headers and centered layout assistance catch the attention of employers while giving plenty of space to elaborate on your work experience.

The Online resume template for Google Docs is a strong choice if yous desire a more than formal resume that still has some color. Don't forget to also use its matching Google Docs comprehend alphabetic character template for a professional job application.

10. Classic resume template

Classic Google Docs Resume Template
Like this template? Open it in Google Docs, and brand a free copy.

Featuring a traditional layout, small-scale resume color scheme, and opening with a concise simply powerful resume summary, the Classic template lets you lot quickly summarize your qualifications and set the tone for the rest of your resume.

The vertical line to the side of your work history cleanly presents your prior work experience every bit a progressive timeline, allowing the hiring director to easily see how your skills take developed.

11. Modern resume template

A modern Google Docs resume template
Like this template? Purchase it here from the designer and upload it to Google Docs.

This Google Docs–compatible resume template features a sizable section for your resume profile at the peak, giving you enough of infinite to smooth a spotlight on your professional groundwork.

Information technology's platonic for candidates writing a resume with no experience, or anyone else who needs to add together more context to their resume.

12. Chicago resume template

Chicago Google Docs Resume Template
Savor this mode? Create a copy of this template in Google Docs.

Each heading on the Chicago resume template features a full-width horizontal line, nicely breaking upwardly the folio and guiding the hiring managing director's attention to your relevant experience.

This template is best used past experienced task seekers or anyone applying to a Fortune 500 company. Pair it with the Chicago cover letter template for a consistent expect.

thirteen. Artistic resume template

A creative resume template for Google Docs
Get started by ownership this template and matching cover letter.

Featuring a compact blueprint and colorful headings, this resume template on Google Docs is platonic for job seekers who want to brand their applications stand up out while still highlighting the total extent of their qualifications.

Meliorate yet, this resume template comes packaged with a matching embrace letter template, giving your awarding a consistently attractive pattern.

xiv. Original Professional resume template

Original Professional Google Docs Resume Template
Access the Original Professional template on Google Docs.

The Original Professional Google Docs resume template (and its matching comprehend letter template) provides a crisp header and plenty of space for bullet points to minimize distractions and highlight your qualifications and job experience.

It'southward perfect for workers with more experience because of the space information technology offers and it can easily be converted to a two-page resume by calculation a new page.

15. Margo resume template

Professional Google Docs resume template
If this resume speaks to you, buy it and and then upload it to Google Docs.

The long experience section and sidebar for contact and educational activity details make the Margo resume template ideal for experienced professionals who want to bring immediate attention to their accomplishments.

16. Windsor resume template

Windsor Google Docs Resume Template
Write your resume with this free resume template in Google Docs.

Featuring a prominent header and an elegant font, the Windsor Google Docs resume template adds a splash of playfulness to an otherwise serious blueprint, with its lowercase section titles and resume icons.

This template is ideal if you desire to add personality to your application without sacrificing professionalism.

17. Elegant resume template

Elegant Google Docs Resume Template
Grab this template in Google Docs here.

Spacious and bold, the Elegant resume template for Google Docs offers increased letter spacing, highlighted section titles, and an uncluttered design to give your awarding a sophisticated appearance.

More importantly, its format was arranged to assist visually emphasize your most relevant qualifications and skills.

Looking to escape the blockier blueprint of a standard template and aid your application stand apart from the competition? This template is a great option.

Information technology fifty-fifty comes with a matching Elegant cover alphabetic character template.


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