Vimeo Pro members and college can create customized Roku Channels and Amazon Fire TV apps where they can send their showcases.

Annotation: This characteristic is currently only available to Roku and Burn Boob tube . It is not currently possible to publish showcases to Apple TV, Samsung, Android Television set, mobile apps, or any other Tv set apps. It's also currently not possible to distribute live events via a Goggle box app.

In this commodity:

  • Get a feed URL
  • Roku channel prepare
  • Access your channel on Roku
  • Fire TV App Setup
  • Access your app on Fire Idiot box
  • Privacy
  • Sell videos in TV apps
  • Updates to your Showcase
  • Troubleshooting

Get a feed URL

The feed URL is a file generated from Vimeo that contains information near your Showcase and the videos inside information technology.

You'll need to enter a feed URL during the setup process for both Roku channels and Burn down Tv set apps.

To obtain a feed URL, head over to the Television receiver apps tab of your showcase settings and then choose Roku or A mazon Fire tv from the list of destinations.


After you've entered all the required fields for each app, select "copy feed URL" to copy a hyperlink to the direct feed which will populate your Showcase videos in your TV apps.

Each TV app will generate a unique feed URL to be inserted during the setup process for Roku channels and Fire Idiot box apps.

For Amazon Fire TV, you lot tin can copy the feed URL shown under "MRSS feed URL."


For Roku, you'll need to enter a provider name, the language of your channel, and genres earlier copying your feed URL.


Roku channel ready up

Stride-by-Stride instructions for setting upward a Roku channel can be plant on Roku'south website:

🛑Please make sure your Showcase settings are finalized before proceeding with channel fix on Roku. Changes made to your Showcase will only be automatically reflected in your channel afterward information technology'due south been published to the Roku Channel Shop.

Some notes about setup:

  • No coding skills are required
  • You'll need to create a Roku Direct Publisher account by visiting . If you lot already have a Roku account, you can login here
  • You'll too need to enroll in the Roku Developer Program:
  • OPTIONAL: If you are planning to monetize your channel through Roku's Audition Network (i.east past adding advertisements), you'll also need to enroll in Roku's Partner Payouts Program ( If yous don't plan on monetizing, you can ringlet skip this pace of the channel setup process. More information on monetizing with Roku can be found hither- (Annotation: this process is solely managed past Roku and completely separate from Vimeo)
  • Y'all'll be able to insert the Feed URL from your Vimeo Showcase settings for Roku during the setup process when prompted, as shown here: Screen_Shot_2019-04-15_at_1.16.02_PM.png

         (During this step, cull Specified in Feed nether Video Format)

  • If you make changes to your Showcase during the channel setup process, you will need to re-ingest your feed from the Roku settings page using the "Refresh now" button. This button tin be plant in the "Feed Status" section of your channel setup.


    💡 TIP: If your feed URL isn't validating on Roku, please make sure your showcase is public by setting the privacy to "Anyone." Also be sure you've selected at least one genre under the TV apps >> Roku department of your showcase settings.

Access your aqueduct on Roku

Once your channel is published, it will announced in the Roku Channel store. You lot and your viewers volition be able to download the channel and admission the videos in your Showcase from a Roku device. You can find instructions for installing channels on your Roku device here .

Please annotation that the feed URL for Burn down TV apps does non back up custom sorting—meaning your videos may appear in a dissimilar lodge than how they appear in your showcase on The default order on Fire TV volition brandish the most recent videos showtime.

Fire TV App Setup

Footstep-past-Step instructions for setting up a Fire Idiot box app tin be found on Amazon's website: conditioning/toc-get-started.html .

Some notes most setup:

  • No coding skills are required
  • You'll need to an Amazon Programmer account to publish apps. You can create 1 for gratis here:
  • Once published, your app must be approved past Amazon before it's made bachelor in the Amazon and Fire Television Appstore (Delight note that Vimeo has no command over the approving process).
  • You'll exist able to insert the Feed URL from your Vimeo Showcase settings for Burn down Television in the media RSS feed field, as shown below:


Access your app on Fire TV

After your app has been canonical by Amazon, it volition appear in the Fire Tv app store in all regions where Fire Boob tube is bachelor (U.s., United kingdom, Deutschland, Nippon, India, and Austria).  Instructions for installing apps on Fire TV can be constitute here .


Please notation that only public videos and showcases can be shown on Roku and Fire Television apps. For case, you'll demand to ready both your videos and showcase to "Anyone" tin view, as shown here:


Sell videos in TV apps

We do non back up integrating Vimeo On Need videos into Showcase feeds for Roku and FireTV channels, in order to sell your content.

You lot may exist able to monetize with ads through the developer platforms provided by Roku and Amazon, however, this process is non controlled nor managed past Vimeo. You can find more data on the advert monetization programs provided past each developer platform below:

  • Roku-https://web
  • Amazon-

If you're interested in selling videos through a custom Boob tube app, please check out Vimeo OTT ( Vimeo OTT is a service that allows users to launch a subscription using custom branded apps and webpages. For more data on selling videos through Vimeo OTT, yous can reach out to the team by selecting "contact" at set.

Updates to your Showcase

The content of your Showcase will be automatically updated in your Fire TV app and Roku channel once it'due south published. This ways that even if y'all demand to update your videos on Vimeo (for example, if y'all demand to add/remove a video in your Showcase, or modify a title or video thumbnail), you won't need to make any transmission changes on Roku or Amazon's end—just continue in heed that it make accept some fourth dimension for your changes to be reflected.

Any updates or customization to the apps themselves (general app images, layouts, app descriptions, categories, etc) must be washed through Amazon and Roku's interface. Vimeo only supplies the video content of your showcase.


Vimeo's support team is always happy to assistance with any content-related issues that arise (for instance, videos not appearing in your TV app). However, if y'all're specifically having trouble with either your Roku or Amazon developer accounts or the setup process for either, we advise contacting those respective support teams, as they volition exist all-time positioned to assist you with any issues:

  • Roku Support-
  • Amazon Support-